

Premier Prix Régional de la Construction Bois 2015 - Logements Bellegarde/Valserine (01)


Région Rhône-Alpes

Lauréat du Prix Régional de la Construction Bois Rhône-Alpes

«  Notice architecturale : 

Pour ne pas altérer la colline avec la voirie, le site est structuré par « une grappe » avec deux unités de 3 appartements sur deux niveaux et deux de 4 appartements, sur deux niveaux, en habitat intermédiaire, accessibles par coursives couvertes, qui épousent les courbes de niveaux, accessibles par escalier et ascenseur et connectées au garage souterrain (28 box). Voirie réduite à un accès en limite de propriété, atténuant les nuisances visuelles et sonores. Les logements sont traversants avec séjour au sud. Ceux situés de pleins pied donnent sur terrasse et espace vert privatif en prolongement. Ceux en étage possèdent de grandes terrasses avec vue imprenable sur le paysage. Cette relation avec la nature est renforcée par le traitement bois des logements, balcons terrasse et galeries couvertes qui enrichissent les espaces intermédiaires. Des plantes grimpantes, isolent chaque logement.

 Descriptif technique : 

VÊTURE des logements : bardage vertical brut en Douglas peu ajouré purgé d'aubier et traité incolore. REFEND DES BALCONS : structure bois séparant les balcons des logements. Habillage par bardage Douglas vertical. STRUCTURE DU BALCON : panneau bois à plis multiples qui porte le porte-à faux, appuyé au niveau du mur sur une cornière métallique et en intermédiaire sur un profilé métallique qui porte entre les murs de refend. En toiture, un panneau bois porte entre les 2 refends et est support de la couverture.

COURSIVES EXTÉRIEURES : portiques en douglas avec des poteaux en bois massif et 2 traverses au R+1 et en toiture. Portiques reliés entre eux par des panneaux contrecollé à plis croisés en plancher et en toiture. Protection par étanchéité en plancher et zinc en toiture. Stabilisation par des butons métalliques fixés à la maçonnerie et des tendeurs métalliques de contreventement.


 Approche environnementale : 

Le Développement Durable fait parti intégrante du projet. L'architecture se caractérise par : aucun pont thermique, utilisation intensive du bois, toitures terrasses végétalisées (améliorant fortement le confort thermique en hiver et en été), récupération des EP, forte présence végétale, rejet des voitures en surface au profit de garages souterrains. Le choix du système de chauffage : chaudières à condensation gaz modulante et effet régulateur thermique de la couverture végétale, complètent les paramètres du projet qui définissent le D.D. de l'architecture, son insertion paysagère, l'orientation sud des baies, les grandes terrasses et l'utilisation intensive des essences de bois régionaux pour l'enveloppe, et les galeries de liaisons. Les panneaux solaires, en toiture assurent 50% de l'ECS. POURQUOI LE BOIS Pour une architecture en osmose avec la nature dans un vieillissement naturel. »


We are thrilled to announce the winner of WAN Wood in Architecture 2015 Award is Hacine Chérifi Gymnasium by Tectoniques - Congratulations!

The winning entry was selected from a shortlist of six fantastic projects, with each project championing the elegant, natural and versatile qualities of wood that continues to challenge architects today. 

On board to judge this year’s entries were an experienced panel of judges, which included  Adrian Campbell, Associate Director at Arup Associates; James Greaves, Partner at Hopkins Architects; Dmitri Jajich, Associate Director at Skidmore Owings & Merrill and Mikko Viljakainen, Director at Puuinfo.

The Hacine Chérifi Gymnasium takes its name from a former World Middleweight Champion boxer from nearby Lyon. Situated in the heart of Rillieux-la-Pape, the building includes a multi-purpose sports hall and a gymnasium. Part of the gymnasium is underground and it is accessed from the top of the spectator seating stands. This means the height of the building, as viewed from the street, is half of its actual height, minimising the impact of its very large volume. James was quick to say “It’s exactly the sort of project that should win an award.” 

The building is composed of a concrete base and mounted with a timber lattice beam structure. The façades and roofing are made up of straw-bale panels. The whole building is covered with vertical Larchwood cladding and is kept deliberately neutral, without pretence or artifice. Adrian commented on this saying “they’ve set a wonderful president, in terms of the delivery of it, it looks really clean." The architects choose to keep most of building structures exposed on the inside. A light colour palette has been used to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere and ensure the facilities remain discreet. The only colour is the red gymnastic equipment, which creates a stark contrast with the overall monochromatic tone.

The whole structure uses 583 m3 of wood in a variety of different forms and the facility is equipped with a wood-fuelled heating system.  “It’s a really good use of wood” commented James, with Mikko saying ‘“This has potential as a model for the future.”

Dmitri Jajich announced the winner of this award at Timber Expo this year, as part of UK Construction Week

We’d like to take the opportunity to thank not only the jury, but all who entered their projects into this years’ WAN Wood in Architecture Award. 

- See more at:

We are thrilled to announce the winner of WAN Wood in Architecture 2015 Award is Hacine Chérifi Gymnasium by Tectoniques - Congratulations!

The winning entry was selected from a shortlist of six fantastic projects, with each project championing the elegant, natural and versatile qualities of wood that continues to challenge architects today. 

On board to judge this year’s entries were an experienced panel of judges, which included  Adrian Campbell, Associate Director at Arup Associates; James Greaves, Partner at Hopkins Architects; Dmitri Jajich, Associate Director at Skidmore Owings & Merrill and Mikko Viljakainen, Director at Puuinfo.

The Hacine Chérifi Gymnasium takes its name from a former World Middleweight Champion boxer from nearby Lyon. Situated in the heart of Rillieux-la-Pape, the building includes a multi-purpose sports hall and a gymnasium. Part of the gymnasium is underground and it is accessed from the top of the spectator seating stands. This means the height of the building, as viewed from the street, is half of its actual height, minimising the impact of its very large volume. James was quick to say “It’s exactly the sort of project that should win an award.” 

The building is composed of a concrete base and mounted with a timber lattice beam structure. The façades and roofing are made up of straw-bale panels. The whole building is covered with vertical Larchwood cladding and is kept deliberately neutral, without pretence or artifice. Adrian commented on this saying “they’ve set a wonderful president, in terms of the delivery of it, it looks really clean." The architects choose to keep most of building structures exposed on the inside. A light colour palette has been used to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere and ensure the facilities remain discreet. The only colour is the red gymnastic equipment, which creates a stark contrast with the overall monochromatic tone.

The whole structure uses 583 m3 of wood in a variety of different forms and the facility is equipped with a wood-fuelled heating system.  “It’s a really good use of wood” commented James, with Mikko saying ‘“This has potential as a model for the future.”

Dmitri Jajich announced the winner of this award at Timber Expo this year, as part of UK Construction Week

We’d like to take the opportunity to thank not only the jury, but all who entered their projects into this years’ WAN Wood in Architecture Award. 

- See more at:

We are thrilled to announce the winner of WAN Wood in Architecture 2015 Award is Hacine Chérifi Gymnasium by Tectoniques - Congratulations!

The winning entry was selected from a shortlist of six fantastic projects, with each project championing the elegant, natural and versatile qualities of wood that continues to challenge architects today. 

On board to judge this year’s entries were an experienced panel of judges, which included  Adrian Campbell, Associate Director at Arup Associates; James Greaves, Partner at Hopkins Architects; Dmitri Jajich, Associate Director at Skidmore Owings & Merrill and Mikko Viljakainen, Director at Puuinfo.

The Hacine Chérifi Gymnasium takes its name from a former World Middleweight Champion boxer from nearby Lyon. Situated in the heart of Rillieux-la-Pape, the building includes a multi-purpose sports hall and a gymnasium. Part of the gymnasium is underground and it is accessed from the top of the spectator seating stands. This means the height of the building, as viewed from the street, is half of its actual height, minimising the impact of its very large volume. James was quick to say “It’s exactly the sort of project that should win an award.” 

The building is composed of a concrete base and mounted with a timber lattice beam structure. The façades and roofing are made up of straw-bale panels. The whole building is covered with vertical Larchwood cladding and is kept deliberately neutral, without pretence or artifice. Adrian commented on this saying “they’ve set a wonderful president, in terms of the delivery of it, it looks really clean." The architects choose to keep most of building structures exposed on the inside. A light colour palette has been used to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere and ensure the facilities remain discreet. The only colour is the red gymnastic equipment, which creates a stark contrast with the overall monochromatic tone.

The whole structure uses 583 m3 of wood in a variety of different forms and the facility is equipped with a wood-fuelled heating system.  “It’s a really good use of wood” commented James, with Mikko saying ‘“This has potential as a model for the future.”

Dmitri Jajich announced the winner of this award at Timber Expo this year, as part of UK Construction Week

We’d like to take the opportunity to thank not only the jury, but all who entered their projects into this years’ WAN Wood in Architecture Award.

- See more at:


[Source :]

Projet et photos, cliquez ici
• Maître d’ouvrage : Dynacité (01)
• Architecte : Atelier Richard Plottier (Lyon 69)
• Fourniture : Ecotim (La Rochette 73)
• Charpentier : Lifteam (La Rochette 73), Entreprise André Roux (Magland 74)