
Residential buildings, La Rippe (Switzerland)

Realization of a set of two housing buildings in relation with the historical farmhouse and its magnificent oak tree. Timber frame structure on three levels, solid wood slab and wood cladding.

Preliminary design - project - submission - assistance to the works management.

  • Contracting authority : privé (Suisse)
  • Architecte : Atelier Glatz & Delachaux (Nyon, Suisse)
  • BET Bois : CBT (Saint-Sulpice, Suisse)
  • Charpentier : Schaller & Fils Menuiserie et charpente SA (Gingins, Suisse)
  • Surface de plancher : 1344 m²
  • Coût structure bois : CHF 975’000 HT
  • Année de livraison : juin 2016


© Luca Delachaux

