The CBS-CBT/LIFTEAM group has developed extremely innovative structural and constructive wood systems that are totally oriented towards HQE (High Environmental Quality), using solid wood without glue or chemical treatment.
The group's motto is : "Less material, less energy, more engineering work".
These structural systems are declined with the following main concepts :

1- O'portune® slab : made from the assembly of boards staggered on the height, connected with screws for free spans up to 12-13 meters and usual loads from 250 to 500 kg/m².

2- The D-dalle® slab : solid wood floor system type O'portune® reinforced by a concrete connected in the compression zone, under technical advice.

3- noEcho® : acoustic panel made of openwork wood lath with acoustic foam in the background with colors chosen by the architect and benefiting from PV tests on alpha Sabine sound absorption values.

4- Ariane® trusses : trusses made of latticework assembled in the nodes on birch plywood inserts and screw or nail type connectors. These trusses can be facetted, asymmetrical, single or double sloped and mainly made on wooden posts embedded at the head forming porticos of two joints (possibly three).

5- Solivium® : O'portune® or D-dalle® type system lightened with the removal of some boards and redefinition of the horizontal structure with multi-board beam elements of three boards (trium), five boards (pentium), seven boards (sevium), nine boards (ninium) and false ceilings between joists

6- Solium® : the wood-concrete floor connected to a unitary wooden element of the simple beam type

8- AtlAs espAce® porticos : these are structures that are not isostatic, but rather work in hyperstaticity with insert reinforcements in the corners of the members. These porticos allow the development of the loft part of the elevations, the attic floors and the roofs of houses. The portico remains visible or partially hidden by the secondary elements.

9- The Wenus® panel : made of planks arranged in a "W" shape on a glued solid wood rack.

10- VégA® : maximizes the value of the attic of the house to make it a privileged, multifunctional and flexible space.
Beyond these concepts, the group has developed technical ranges to respond to markets such as :

Habitim® housing : totally wood housing, wood structure, biosourced insulation and wood cladding.

Noélit® agricultural cubicles : in wooden structure from simple self-constructing porticos.

Jupit'air® : 100 % invisible "clip" type fastening for deck boards, facade and underside.