
Forum Bois Construction 2025
Join us at the International Wood Construction Forum from February 26 to 28, 2025! Reuse Reassembly of the OSA, the temporary auditorium...

Batimat 2019 - Conference
Conference on bio-based construction, Thursday, November 7, 2019 from 10:00 am

SIBCA 2024
Le SIBCA - Salon de l’Immobilier Bas Carbone réunit tous les acteurs clés engagés dans le financement,...

30th Interfob in Bussang (Vosges, France)
30th anniversary conference and meeting of students of wood science, forestry and technology.

Conference in Montedonove, Italy
Seminar at the Comune di Montedinove (organized by the two Swedish universities Kungliga Tekniska högskolan and Lunds Tekniska). Presentation...

Forum Bois Construction 2019
Le Groupe CBS-LIFTEAM sera une nouvelle fois sponsor principal pour cette 9ème édition. RDV du 3 au 5 avril 2019 à Epinal et...

Innotrans - Berlin
Presentation of our non-destructive testing tools for wood materials applicable to the transportation sector, notably hardwood railway sleepers,...

International Wood Construction Forum 2021
Press conference at the Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris on June 1, 2021

Forum Solutions Pro Bois
Presentation of our products and services by Paul Chantereau. Structure & Technology. Ariane, D-Dalle, Hercullle, O’Portune,...

EEA Conference and Trade Exhibition, Auckland (New-Zealand)
CBT SA will present POLUX 5, 20-22 June 2018

Jean-Luc Sandoz at the Conference of the Federation of Building and Public Works 73
BTP (Wood-Earth-Straw) is the future of construction! Jean-Luc Sandoz, Ph.D., spoke about wood construction and bio- and geo-sourced materials at...

African Utility Week, Cape Town (South Africa)
CBT SA will present Polux 5, 15-17 May 2018

oundtable on Beetle-Infested Wood
11:00 AM • Conference: 'How to Valorize Beetle-Infested Wood in Construction?' Led by Zacharie Faure – Wood Construction...

International Wood Construction Forum - April 3-5, 2024
Opening session: R&D projects! C4 The #Sylvatest in all its applications: trees, logs, wood, beams, LC: diagnosis, expertise, and reuse! ...

IEEE PES T&D, Denver (Colorado, USA)
Join CBS at the IEEE PES T&D conference and exhibition tradeshow, from April the 16th to 19th, 2018

Straw Construction - CAUE 94
Morning. Exact timings will be provided after your registration. Straw insulation now appears as one of the most virtuous alternatives to more...

8e Rencontres Nationales, Energie & Territoire ruraux, Montmélian
Témoignage de Jean-Luc Sandoz (Ecotim-Lifteam) dans le cadre de l'atelier "Entreprises et territoire à énergie...

3e Assises Nationales du Douglas, Centre des Congrès -Bordeaux
VIDEO - Intervention de Jean-Luc Sandoz dans l'atelier "Prescription", le 21 septembre 2018

3J du bois dans la construction, Rumilly
2ème édition des 3J du bois dans la construction

The Second Conference on Forests and Wood in the Grand Est Region.
Producing and valorizing wood at the Forests and Wood Conference of the Grand Est Region with FIBOIS Grand Est and the association Des hommes et...

Forum Bois Construction 2018
Le Groupe CBS-LIFTEAM sera sponsor principal du Forum Bois Construction, du 11 au 13 avril 2018 à Dijon.

CBS-Lifteam will be present at the ESTP Forum on December 6, 2022! From November 21, 2022, make an appointment with our HR department. Slots are...

Séminaire sur les lignes basses et moyennes tensions, Berlin
CBS Deustchland participe à cette édition 2017 organisée par EW Medien und Kongresse GmbH et BDEW Akademie à Berlin.

SIBCA brings together end-users committed to low-carbon development. This year's SIBCA will cover decarbonization at every scale of the...

Convention on electric networks technology
CBS Deutschland will present the last Polux generation (Polux 5)

Rencontres Romandes du Bois 2023
As part of the Rencontres Romandes du Bois 2023, an event to be held on September 14, 15 and 16 in Valais on the theme of "Wood &...

Wood symposium, Madison (USA)
20th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium

Colloquium "Regards croisés" Wood & Health
Our group will be a partner of this 2022 edition which will be held in Lausanne on October 7, 2022

Batimat Exhibition 2017
Les équipes du Groupe CBS-LIFTEAM seront présentes sur le salon Batimat, du 6 au 10 novembre 2017

Sibca, the Low Carbon Real Estate Fair
CBS-LIFTEAM will be present on the Sibca collective stand, from September 22 to 24, 2022 at the Grand Palais Ephemera in Paris

Forum Bois Construction
Le Groupe CBS-LIFTEAM sera présent au Forum Bois Construction en tant que sponsor principal, du 5 au 7 avril 2017 à Epinal et Nancy

Wood Construction Forum - Spain 2022
"Wooden constructions, on the way to carbon neutrality", conference by J-L. Sandoz, 10 June 2022 in Pamplona.

3J du bois dans la construction, Rumilly
1er salon des acteurs de la construction et de l'aménagement des Savoie

The springtime of the forest, Urmatt
"Wooden constructions, on the way to carbon neutrality", conference by J-L. Sandoz, on May 22 in Urmatt

Rencontres Filière Bois, Namur (Belgique)
12ème édition des Rencontres Filière Bois, le vendredi 24 mars 2017 à Namur Expo

International Wood Construction Forum 2022
CBS-LIFTEAM will be present at the Forum Bois Construction as a sponsor, from 6 to 8 April 2022 in Epinal and Nancy

Waldsymposium, Lintgen (Luxembourg)
Symposium sur le bois, organisé par Lëtzebuerger Privatbësch

Les Journées de l'architecture - Discovering frugality !
"Wood as a providential remedy to the crisis", conference by Jean-Luc Sandoz, October 15, 2021 in Mulhouse

12ème édition du salon Bois/Technibois, Bulle (Suisse)
LIFTEAM Romandie sera présente au salon Bois/Technibois à Bulle (Suisse) les 10, 11 et 12 février 2017

Rencontres romandes du bois 2021
The CBS-Lifteam group supports the "Rencontres romandes du bois", October 7, 8 and 9, 2021 at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne

Construire et rénover en bois, Paris
Journée (conférences et tables rondes) organisée par le magazine Le Moniteur

Conference - Jorat Nature Park
"Tree, forest, wood and society", lecture by Jean-Luc Sandoz, Ph.

Wood cluster, Luxembourg
Groupe de travail pour sculter l'avenir de la filière bois

International Wood Construction Forum 2021
CBS-LIFTEAM will be present at the Forum Bois Construction as a sponsor, from July 15 to 17 2021 at the Grand Palais Ephémère in...

Rencontre innovation dans la construction, Châlons-en-Champagne
Première rencontre organisée le 9 novembre 2016, sur inscription

International Wood Construction Forum 2019
25th International Wood Construction Conference